Events: Work Hard! Play Hard!
DOC 234—34/2

Photo: WHPH
Photo: WHPH
The Method of Reading
Problem Collective inspired by and deconstructing the methods of the early Soviet reading groups aimed at self-education of peasants and workers, and also discussing contemporary state of reading and text, the “Problem Collective” invites to the session of collective reading. The PC offers to read the “List of MOPR Pavilion Exhibits” — a historical document found in the national archives of the Republic of Belarus. The document lists the exhibits that were placed in the MOPR Pavilion at the First All-Belarusian Agricultural and Industrial Exhibition in Minsk (1930). The MOPR Pavilion was built and designed by the artist and constructor Aleksanteri Ahola-Valo, who in the experimental display recorded the history of political violence.
2018 WORK HARD! PLAY HARD! invites you to join a week of events from 25 June to 1 July where we will navigate along the axes of several “parameters”, physical and conceptual spaces, the logics of temporality and themes. The system of parameters is rather flexible, referring to cross pollination, a cube-rubik or kaleidoscope: extensions, national academy of sciences as witch, High-Tech Park, pharmachoreography, places of transparency, political dancefloor, protocols of self-organisation, sanatorium, self-destructing structures, speculative synthesis, terror of relationship, tongue and teeth of creativity, etc.
Problem Collective inspired by and deconstructing the methods of the early Soviet reading groups aimed at self-education of peasants and workers, and also discussing contemporary state of reading and text, the “Problem Collective” invites to the session of collective reading. The PC offers to read the “List of MOPR Pavilion Exhibits” — a historical document found in the national archives of the Republic of Belarus. The document lists the exhibits that were placed in the MOPR Pavilion at the First All-Belarusian Agricultural and Industrial Exhibition in Minsk (1930). The MOPR Pavilion was built and designed by the artist and constructor Aleksanteri Ahola-Valo, who in the experimental display recorded the history of political violence.
2018 WORK HARD! PLAY HARD! invites you to join a week of events from 25 June to 1 July where we will navigate along the axes of several “parameters”, physical and conceptual spaces, the logics of temporality and themes. The system of parameters is rather flexible, referring to cross pollination, a cube-rubik or kaleidoscope: extensions, national academy of sciences as witch, High-Tech Park, pharmachoreography, places of transparency, political dancefloor, protocols of self-organisation, sanatorium, self-destructing structures, speculative synthesis, terror of relationship, tongue and teeth of creativity, etc.